3 Reasons Why We Love Lists

At Dot Cross Co. we truly believe in the power of the list. We use them to organize everything including vacations, weddings, projects, and more. Here are the three things we love about lists:

  1. Memory

    With all the chaos and multi-tasking of modern life, it’s easy to forget things. Lists help you remember all the things you want (or need) to do, buy, research, follow-up on, etc. 

  2. Prioritization

    When everything you need to remember to do is just floating in your head, it can seem overwhelming. Once you have your tasks on paper it’s much easier to prioritize them. Writing things down (or documenting them in digital form) is the first step toward organizing them and then prioritizing them based on importance.

  3. Accomplishment

    Whether your list contains a few bullets to pages of tasks, every time you check off a task, you feel at least a small sense of accomplishment. Even for those of us who will admit to adding a task to our list after the fact, there is something thrilling about crossing something off of our list.

While we do love lists, they should be used as a tool to make your life easier. There is a risk of going overboard and having list fatigue. If lists are causing you anxiety or stress, think about how you are using them and whether they are helping you remember things, prioritize, and feel accomplished.


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